Jesse Baxter Jesse Baxter


On the 40th anniversary of the famous ‘Blue Marble’ photograph taken of Earth from space, Planetary Collective presents a short film documenting astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect.

Just amazing.

This is why one travels.  This is why one makes art.  Shift in perspective is always the destination.

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Jesse Baxter Jesse Baxter

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Jesse Baxter Jesse Baxter

A meditation for a Monday.

Amazing sights of the beautiful and wonderous world we live in. 

Music: Loreena McKennitt - Night Ride Across the Caucasus

1) 0:29 - 1:00 Turkmenistan “ The Door to Hell”
2) At 1:00 I think this is the Deccan Plateau of India.
3) 1:15 - 1:47 probably the Dolomite Alps, Italy.
4) 1:47 - 2:45 Angel Falls in Venezuela.
5) 2:45 - 3:00 Iguacu Falls, Brazil
6) 3:15 East African Rift; Lake Victoria is the big round lake at top.
7) 3:44 is Lake Baikal, Siberia. The big river is the Angara.
8) 4:30ish is the Amazon.
9) 5:23 - 5:32 Baltoro Glacier (in Pakistan)
10) 5:30 - 6:00 is Antarctica.
11) The bulls-eye at 6:30 is the Richat Structure in Mauritania
12) About 6:40 is a satellite view of the Sahara.
13) The finale: Bangladesh and the Ganges delta.

BBC Planet Earth

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