This is our third time in Quito and when you walk down the isle of market stalls, things begin to look the same. Don’t get me wrong, it’s full of little gems, it just gets harder and harder to find something new and interesting.
I actually think there’s a hump. You keep climbing and climbing until all of a sudden, all the normal market things blend together and you start to only see new things. (For example, we bought our x-mas tree today.)
The newest thing in the market is the giant shell in which the tagua seed is found. After being astounded by the amount of these giant shells we were seeing, we finally had to take a photo.
I see this as one of the benefits to really dedicating a large amount of time to a particular culture. We’ve spent a lot of time here, but I think any of our artists would say they learned more than if they had only traveled here as a backpacker. When you take 3 weeks (in ACTion: Ecuador’s case) and commit your time and mind to experiencing a new culture, that’s really the time when you find those little gems.