Jesse Baxter Jesse Baxter

Day 1 Denver

From September 16, 2008

Mary and Jesse in Colorado (2007)

Mary and Jesse in Colorado (2007)

We’ve arrived in Denver and we’re excited to get started talking to people about DAT and ACTion:Ecuador!

Jesse and I travel to Boulder on Thursday to meet with professors from University of Colorado, Boulder, and that is just the beginning. I’ll update more schools as we go.

Our hosts, Dan and Isa Sauve (2007)

Our hosts, Dan and Isa Sauve (2007)

Today is also Jesse’s birthday, so we’ll be enjoying some cupcakes in his honor later on thanks to our hosts, Dan and Isa Sauve.

If you’re in the Denver area and want to meet with us to talk about DAT or ACTion:Ecuador, or another project,CONTACT US. We’d love to hear from you.

Updates soon,

Mary K.

Managing Director


For Personal blogs from Mary K, click here

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Jesse Baxter Jesse Baxter


From September 14, 2008

Hi again from DAT, we’ve got a lot of exciting things happening right now.

1st- we hired the first two Directors for the Action Project. We’re so excited to welcome Jennifer Wren and Jon Campbell to our team of traveling artists. Many many details on these two amazing artist to come.

2nd- we’re gearing up for the College Tour. Jesse and I leave on Monday (tomorrow) to start our journey and will be in Denver on Tuesday, and Boulder on Thursday, and then back to Denver the following week. We hope to talk with at least 7 programs (school or theatre companies) while we’re there and have meetings set up with 4 (we have plenty of time, we’ll be there from the 17th-26th of September). If you know any schools in Denver, or in any of the places on the College Tour that you think might be interested in meeting with us and learning about the program, let us know.

Also- if you know of some schools in places we won’t be going, send us some contact people and we’d be happy to send along some brochures to you to talk to the schools or for us or we’ll even just send the brochures to them.

This is a different kind of project than DAT has ever done. It’s going to take all of us to band together to make this a huge success. In doing so we will not only effect DAT’s traveling artist staff, and the lives of the 128 Theatre Students who come on the trip, but we will also make a huge change for the people in Quilotoa, Esmeraldas, El Pilche and Isla San Cristobal.

This project will help so many people, and if we all band together, it will be a success!

3rd- Are you reading this right now? Have you read other posts and looked at the cool photos?

Then leave us a comment!!!! Let me know who’s out there listening so I can gear my info to what you care about!

Thanks for reading, and supporting us, and helping us continue our goals of ACTing to EMPOWER VOICES!.

Looking forward to your comments,

Mary K.

Managing Director


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