ACTion: Ecuador

July 2025

ACTion: Ecuador is an immersive 40-day journey across Ecuador that culminates with a week-long festival of performance on location in Quito.


ACTion is an opportunity to:

  • Amplify often unheard voices through DAT’s Community Storytelling Project

  • Explore diverse cultures and terrain

  • Workshop with local experts, artists, and theatre companies

  • Engage with local communities through arts education and community-led service projects

  • Collaborate with professional artists to create new devised theatre pieces

  • Perform original pieces in Quito, Ecuador’s capital city and cultural heart

The breakdown:


Acclimate in Quito

Start the adventure in Ecuador’s vibrant capital city: Quito, a maze of Spanish colonial splendor set in the shadows of jagged volcanic peaks. Nestled in its narrow, winding streets, you’ll discover Quito’s ornate golden churches, the UNESCO world heritage sights of historic old town, and the cosmopolitan nightlife of La Floresta. Diving deeper than the average tourist, you’ll take in a show at one of Quito’s innovative theatre companies and a lecture at a local university, before beginning your own devised theatrical process with director-led rehearsals and workshops with DAT’s resident playwright. You’ll also prepare for upcoming service work with teaching artist workshops and other DAT training sessions—all on-site in one of the most spellbinding cities in the world.

Engage in San Lorenzo

Next, we’ll head to the beautiful coastal region of Esmeraldas, which anthropologists call a “capital of Black culture.” Home to the descendants of West African slaves who rebelled against their Spanish enslavers when their ship ran ashore in 1553, the region boasts a rich, vibrant history and culture. Here, we’ll settle in the rural Afro-Ecuadorian coastal community of San Lorenzo, known for its unique marimba music, as well as the tallest mangrove forest in the world in the nearby Reserva Ecologica Manglares Cayapas Mataje nature reserve. While in town, you’ll teach theatre workshops with local children; engage with regional marimba experts; and continue to devise and rehearse with your cast.


>> Refresh in Otavalo

We’ll next head for higher altitudes in the indigenous city of Otavalo where we’ll cool off and prepare for our individual cast assignments. Known for its rich textiles, volcanic soil, and the bustling market stalls that twist and turn throughout the steep mountainous streets set against patchwork fields, Otavalo will serve as homebase as we prepare for some of our most intensive work in the coming weeks.


Serve on assignment in the Amazon

“Creating a space for imagination is creating a space for future action.”

— Martin Wezowski, Futurist

For the most impact, our group will break off by cast at this point, with each trekking into a distinct indigenous Shuar community within the Amazon rainforest.  Amidst ancient trees, winding rivers, and suspension bridges, our groups will lead a week of devised theatre workshops with local youth. The workshops will result in free public performances of student devised work that gives voice to their experience. 

Having previously completed several successful projects with the Shuar, DAT has received a direct request from Shuar leaders to continue our mission to help amplify their voices through theatre.  During their thousands of years of existence, the Shuar have fought to defend their land and way of life.  Whether it was gold-seeking armies of Incas or Spaniards, they have endured.  These days, however, the Shuar are fighting a losing battle to save their culture and lands from the ever-encroaching powers of the petroleum and mining industries. 

While this is surely the most intensive portion of the journey, our Amazon days will also include some time for ACTion artists to decompress.  Hiking, white water rafting, canyoning, wildlife viewing — there are many once-in-a-lifetime recreational opportunities that this region has to offer.


>> Refresh in Cuenca

Next, we take a quick pitstop in Cuenca for a “choose-your-own adventure” day. One of Ecuador’s three UNESCO world heritage sites, the artistic mecca of Cuenca offers bustling city life, a colorful street mural scene, dramatic cathedrals, colonial architecture, famous archeological exhibits including Incan ruins from the ancient city of Tomebamba, a flower market, some of the best restaurants in the country, and the chance to hike in nearby Caja National Park.


Rehearse in the Galápagos

The whole group joins forces again during our time in the Galápagos where your cast will engage in intensive rehearsals as you polish your devised piece.

However, this time won’t be “all work and no play.” You’ll have plenty of time to see why Charles Darwin and so many after him have been inspired and entranced by the Galápagos islands.  It’s a place of truly gigantic land tortoises, sea birds with bright blue feet, and sea lions that waddle right up to you to start a conversation (better brush up on your Sea Lion). It’s a place where the black rocks of a volcanic beach will seem to move, but then when you blink you’ll realize the beach is actually teeming with black sea iguanas. (Don’t worry.  They’re harmless!)   

At the end of this intensive development time, we’ll share preview performances for local audiences in San Cristobal, the island of the Galápagos with the most traffic, during which time you’ll receive invaluable feedback on your piece from Ecuadorian audience members.


Perform in Quito at ACTion FEST

Finally, all actors will return to Quito for dress rehearsal and to perform their pieces in ACTion FEST VIII — CARA A CARA: Face to Face. This festival of short plays is designed to celebrate the spirit of cross-cultural collaboration experienced across the country and will reflect each cast’s unique experiences. This showcase offers the opportunity to present your work for an international community and is also a great opportunity for artists to interview for future staff positions with DAT.


>> Cast Party in a Cloud

The perfect place to decompress and celebrate our work, the charming village of Mindo is nestled in a tranquil cloud forest where brilliant hummingbirds, bright butterflies, and exotic flowers shine from dense, drenched leaves. While in Mindo, you’ll have a chance to zip-line, hike, river-tube, dance in street fiestas, visit an orchid farm, and swim under the pounding, crystal clear water of any of the town’s seven waterfalls. You may even get the chance to attend what will likely be your first “frog concert.” (It’s a Mindo thing.)

On your final night we will share a final toast to the completion of our epic journey together while also celebrating Ecuador’s National Day — commemorating the first bold steps taken to gain independence from Spain in 1809.


July 2025*

>> Cross-Country Travel from TBA

>> Festival Rehearsals & Performances in Quito from TBA

>> Cast Farewell Party from TBA

NOTE: ACTion: Ecuador will return again in 2028.


Artist Fee: $6900 USD**


  • Roundtrip international flights (from major hubs to Quito)

  • Lodging for all 40 nights in Ecuador

  • A daily food per diem (to cover all meals)

  • All ground transportation — including travel to the Andes, the Coast, the Amazon, and the Galápagos

  • All scheduled activities — including workshops with master teachers (your days are full)

  • Traveler’s insurance

  • Built-in community donation (deepening our impact)

  • Carbon offsetting (earth-friendly travel)

  • Professional photographic documentation (travel, teaching, rehearsal, and production photos)

  • Professional theatrical production of your ensemble’s new work at ACTion FEST

  • And more!

  • All returning alumni will automatically receive a $400 USD grant.

    In addition, we are currently able to offer two select ACTION $1000 USD grants.

    The Alumni Grant and the Alumni Select Grant can be used together. These grants are strictly for DAT’s alumni artists and must be applied towards the cost of participation on ACTION.

    To apply, email and state your case why you deserve the grant. In 250-500 words, discuss the value of your previous dramatic adventure and what you hope to bring to this ACTION experience.

    The final deadline for grant applications is March 15, however we encourage you to apply early.

  • These grants are strictly for citizens of Ecuador who are also based in Ecuador. The grant must be applied towards the cost of participation on ACTION.

    Email for more details.

  • We are more than happy to work with you and your home institution to set up an independent study, practicum, or internship for this experience.

    For more details, email

  • YES! We have developed a kid’s “day” camp that runs parallel to the ACTION experience — this will give you the freedom to participate in the adventures, teaching, rehearsing, and performing required while also allowing you to share special moments with your child.

    This was created in an effort to make travel more inclusive. There are additional costs involved.

    For those details and more, email

NOTE: Due to the nature of this project, there are no refunds. For a more detailed breakdown, contact

Ready for a dramatic adventure?

We are carefully selecting actors from across the U.S. and around the world.  

We are looking for talented actors who have a strong desire to engage with foreign cultures, explore devised theatre, and empower youth across the world.  There are a total of 40 artist positions (actors, directors, writers, and designers) available for this year's expedition.  Artists will be strategically placed in a cast based on their skill sets, personality, shared interests, and our particular casting needs.  Each cast will consist of 1 director, 1 road manager/translator, and approximately 6 actors, writers, or designers.


Schedule your audition today!

Take the first step of an incredible journey with DAT. Click the button below to sign up for your online audition (live via video conferencing).

If you have any questions, email